Frequently asked questions - Financial Services Authority
Jan 24, 2012 . The company investigating my complaint about mis-selling says it needs to . mortgage by an independent financial adviser before April 1988.
What is mortgage adjustment?
Endowments: keep or cash in, that is the question | Money | The ...
May 28, 2011 . In the early 1990s, more than three-quarters of mortgages were . My advice is to keep it simple, if you can't understand it fully, don't invest. . has no responsibility for the mis-selling of policies sold pre the FSA of 1988 or if .
Ombudsman backdates mis-selling probe - Telegraph
Mar 13, 2002 . Lorna Bourke looks at life and pension mis-selling before 1986, and what you can . financial adviser before April 28 1988 - only by intermediaries tied to . linked to a Halifax mortgage - as many homebuyers did in the 1980s .
mortgage misselling pre 1988 advice Mortgage Modification Lawyers
Endowment mortgage scandal background - The Claims Connection
Compensation claims for misselling of endowment policy and mortgage shortfall in the UK. . Road accident advice . and answers page regarding time barring, surrender issues, pre 1988 cases and other key complaint questions - click .
The Financial Ombudsman Service and Mortgage Endowment ...
been mis-selling. Matters started to . a complaint to the firm which gave the advice. . order before the rules of SIB and the other regulators took effect in. 1988.
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Loan misselling is becoming a more regular occurance. . certain information in a loan, mortgage, hire purchase or credit card agreement and if . card and loan agreements and contact us today for advice if they're dated before 6th April 2007.
Article Should I ditch my endowment?
mortgage before 1988 cannot normally complain about . Cardy, of independent financial adviser Professional . You may be able to make a mis-selling . - Investment Mis-Selling | Mis Sold Investment ...
Jan 9, 2012 . - Investment Mis-Selling | Mis Sold Investment and . also help with policies and investments taken out before April 1988. . Our team of experts will provide investment, mortgage and PPI claims advice.
Act now on mis-sold endowments: new article - MoneySavingExpert ...
Jan 23, 2006 . chat & swap tips with other MoneySavers . This was before all the new gov. regulations about time barring. . anyone who had taken out a repayment mortgage then be entitled to sue for mis-selling? . Correct for 1988.
Jade Hay is a board passer who interned with mortgage modification adding large fees, and plans on specializing to become a rooftop mortgages.
Article Source: mortgage modifations